We solve complex social problems facing people across the globe.
We work to uncover the root of a problem – problems that others are unable to perceive, or, just find too difficult or too overwhelming.
Our work begins as a think tank.
We engage the creativity of the brightest minds drawn from our worldwide network of independent thinkers and doers: successful entrepreneurs, former government leaders, and others who think and act boldly.
We harness the intellectual and analytical power, the connections and resources, and the will to think boldly to realize permanent solutions.
Then we take bold action.
Meaningful action requires decisiveness, courage, tenacity, and perseverance. We never give up.
The energizing and life enhancing power of boldness, propelled by our faith in our mission, motivates an uncommon level of commitment and the highest ideals of service to humanity.
We are a think tank with an action mission.
We are the Bold Thinkers. We are individuals willing to take action bringing our own energy, intellect, resources, and knowhow.
We believe problems are solved by individuals. Real problem solving cannot be institutionalized because imagination and determination spring from the minds and hearts of individuals.
We engage bold thinkers from far and wide, individuals willing to employ their energies, apply their resources, and share their experience and vision creatively, purposefully, and generously.
We are committed intellectually, emotionally, and financially.
Because we take bold action, we by definition take responsibility for our ideas.
Our founding donors cover all administrative expenses. Most Bold Thinkers personally provide their own funding.
When we do raise other funds, 100% are spent explicitly on the designated cause. Results are clearly and plainly measured and reported.
We are independent and apolitical.
We have no political, religious, or fixed philosophical school guiding our activities. Our objectives are simply and unambiguously stated in our critical missions.
“The formula for us to adopt is this one: Advocacy plus personal engagement make financial commitment focused and meaningful. Let this be our leadership mandate.”