Learning Critical Thinking Starts with the Right Tools
Promoting critical thinking has never been more essential than in this age of technology. But this is no easy task, as the virtual world disproportionately fills our lives with propaganda, social shaming, and a cancel culture while sidelining our humanity and the basic realities of food, energy, transportation, jobs, money, and family.
What we see and read splayed across our device screens is eroding our ability to identify false reasoning and is creating a world where individual thought, empathy, and patience are overshadowed by a perpetual mob psychology and idealism. The cultural and societal effects are everywhere—particularly on the younger generations who live, learn, and play more in the virtual world.
The irony is that adults see how adept children and young adults are with the tactical use of technology, but forget that they don’t yet have the life experience or critical thinking skills to thoughtfully evaluate, question, and put into context what they’re consuming. Social media has created dark places where people can find themselves either the “anonymous” perpetrator or victim of mob anger—both equally damaging to the psyche, especially for those without a mental foundation and a support system to keep them grounded in what’s real.
All of this not only deteriorates the critical thinking skills our youth will need to solve problems in a complex world, it slowly erodes the virtues of understanding, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness that advance humanity. The Foundation is embarking on a ground-breaking project to create educational resources around the globe that will focus on critical thinking at all levels: preschool, K-12, college, and adult. Check back for details as the project unfolds.